Invertek Drives Optidrive E3 - Frekventni regulatori za monofazne motore
INVERTEK DRIVES Optidrive E3 snage 0.37kW , za monofazne motore, IP20 stepen zaštite ; ODE-3-120043-1F12-01

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INVERTEK DRIVES Optidrive E3 snage 0.75kW , za monofazne motore, IP20 stepen zaštite ; ODE-3-120070-1F12-01

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INVERTEK DRIVES Optidrive E3 snage 1.1 kW , za monofazne motore, IP20 stepen zaštite ; ODE-3-220105-1F42-01

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Invertek Drives Optidrive E3 - Frekventni regulatori za monofazne motore
Malo proizvođača u svojoj gami uređaja za upravljanje motorima, može da izdvoji i frekventne regulatore za monofazne motore Optidrive E3. Invertek Drives predstavlja monofazne frekventne pretvarače za motore maksimalne snage do 1.1kW. Electro Pneumatic Solutions ove frekventne regulatore za monofazne motore sa uspehom isporučuje i ugrađuje svojim korisnicima.
Optidrive-E3-brochure.pdf Optidrive-E3-1PH-UserManual.pdf Optidrive-E3-Fieldbus.pdf
Optidrive E3, frekventni regulator, za monofazne motore, koristi revolucionarnu strategiju za upravljanje monofaznim motorom za postizanje pouzdanog i sofisticiranog pokretanja jednofaznog motora. Često je u industriji problem, kako upravljati malim monofaznim motorima, na primer za manje alatne mašine, tekstilne mašine, pokretne trake i uobičajena praksa je bila zameniti monofazni motor trofaznim, kako bi pogon mogao biti frekventno regulisan. Sada se ta opcija može izbeći, Invertek Drives nudi rešenje!
Invertek-ov Optidrive E3 za monofazne motore je zadržao sve bitne odlike klasičnog Optidrive E3 za trofazne motore kao što su :
Makroi za Optidrive E3 IP20 frekventne regulatore od Invertek Drives su sada dostupni na Eplan Data Portal-u.
Technical Specification
Input Ratings
Supply Voltage
200 – 240V ± 10%
Supply Frequency
Displacement Power Factor
Inrush Current
Power Cycles
Output Ratings
Output Power
230V 1 Ph Input: 0.37–1.1kW (0.5–1.5HP)
Overload Capacity
175% for 2.5 seconds
Output Frequency
Typical Efficiency
Ambient Conditions
Operating: -20 to 50°C
Up to 2000m maximum UL approved
Up to 4000m maximum (non UL)
Ingress Protection
Optional remote mountable keypad
Control Specification
Control Method
Energy Optimised V/F
PWM Frequency
Stopping Mode
Coast to stop
Built-in braking transistor (frame size 2)
Skip Frequency
Setpoint Control
Analog Signal
10 to 0 Volts
0 to 20mA
20 to 0mA
4 to 20mA
20 to 4mA
Modbus RTU
Built in
Modbus RTU
I/O Specification
Power Supply
10 Volt DC, 10mA for Potentiometer
Programmable Inputs
2 Digital
2 Analog / Digital Selectable
Digital Inputs
Response time < 4ms
Analog Inputs
Response time: < 4ms
Accuracy: ± 2% full scale
Parameter adjustable scaling and offset
Programmable Outputs
1 Analog / Digital
1 Relay
Relay Outputs
Switching Current Capacity : 6A AC, 5A DC
Analog Outputs
Application Features
PI Control
Standby / Sleep Function
Fire Mode
Maintenance & Diagnostics
Fault Memory
Data Logging
Output Current
Drive Temperature
DC Bus Voltage
Standards Compliance
Low Voltage Directive
EMC requirements
EMC Directive
230V 1Ph. Filtered Units : Cat C1 according to EN61800-3:2004
Machinery Directive
IP66 products: Designed for use in environments where the level of chemically active substances does not exceed the limits of class 3C3, and where the levels of mechanically active substances do not exceed the limits of class 3S3 according to IEC60721-3.